The Total Economic Impact™ of M-Files 2023, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of M-Files, determined that M-Files delivered nearly a 294% return on investment (ROI) over three years to organisations by streamlining processes and driving efficiency

294% Return on Investment

70% Efficiency increase for workflows

50% Faster search for documents

Key findings

In this study, discover how M-Files helped our customers achieve:

  • 70% efficiency improvement for workflows
  • 50% faster search for documents
  • 65% faster document filing
  • 20% time savings for auditors (with improved security & compliance)
  • Improved productivity with searches that can be federated to include results from connected external repositories like SharePoint.

About the study

294% ROI

M-Files commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to examine the potential return on investment (ROI) of implementing M-Files. The results: Companies that use M-Files can experience up to a 294% ROI.

To help evaluate the potential financial impact of M-Files, Forrester interviewed our customers, compiled their experiences and outcomes into a composite organisation, and calculated the potential return that companies could experience from using M-Files.  

In the Forrester study, you’ll gain measurable insights on how M-Files customers improve workflows, accelerate revenue and improve search efficiency as well as success stories directly from our customers.

Want to read the Study?

Forrester provides independent and objective research-based consulting to help leaders deliver key transformation outcomes.

To better understand the benefits, costs and risks associated with this investment, Forrester interviewed six representatives of four organisations with experience using M-Files. For the purposes of this study, Forrester aggregated the experiences of the interviewed customers and combined the results into a single composite organisation. 

Read the full commissioned study and learn more about the potential ROI enterprises may realise by deploying M-Files.

Download the study by filling in the form!

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